
Tuesday 25 September 2012

DSDS Bill & Tom @ RTL Explosiv - DSDS Interview (24.09.2012)


Interview | Bill & Tom Kaulitz - RTL Explosiv (24.09.2012) - English Translation!

Alexander Wüster (presenter): Welcome to a new week of „Explosiv“ and it’s the first work week of the new DSDS judging panel. Bill und Tom from Tokio Hotel are a part of it and of course everybody is wondering about the same question: “What do they look like?”, “What are they wearing?” and “How are they getting along with Dieter?” Christina G., Simon E. and Tim K. have the answers.

Voice-over: They’ve been gone for two years. That’s a good 700 days. More than 17.000 hours. However, what does “gone“ actually mean? They took a run-up to gather speed for the jump onto the presumably biggest stage: DSDS. Tom and Bill Kaulitz: Back like a thunderbolt, in high spirits and with a new hairstyle.

Bill: We always said, like, if we were to be judges on a show then it would definitely have to be for the original, the classic [show] format. Erm, because we also believe in it the most and it’s good of course. “Deutschland sucht den Superstar is of course mainly a format that also offers the biggest platform to have commercial success afterwards and erm, all…

Tom: *interrupting* Well, definitely. After all it’s almost the only casting show where artists also really became successful afterwards, like, and erm, I think that was also important to us somehow. That, that… that above all it’s also a show where you can then have, like, a wicked outcome. And erm… hopefully we’ll find someone good there, right?

Bill: Yes.

Voice-over: Flown in from Los Angeles where it’s summer for 12 months, those two have come to record the judging panel casting for „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“ today. And after two years in warm America they’ve forgotten a few things about Germany, e.g. how cold it can be here.

Bill: We’re still a bit, erm…

Tom: Jet-lagged.

Bill: Yes, tired from the journey.
We haven’t been here for quite a while and erm…

Tom: I would’ve liked to be here in summer to be honest. Well, I think it’s a bit… a bit nippy at the moment but apart from that…

Bill: Yeah, it’s obviously a bit of a cold shock and erm… However, we’re happy to be back in Germany again.

Voice-over: And back they are. With news that came as two real bombshells. One about Tom and one about Bill. It really did surprise many that they want to look for the new super star together with Dieter Bohlen now.

Bill: Actually we’ve been in the studio all this time, erm, day and night. Tom and I also got a studio in our home. We’ve got a home studio, erm, yes, we’re also producing an awful lot ourselves and are, like, writing. And that’s why all of this now is also occasionally just a good and very welcome change that we can just squeeze in. After all we can just continue working on the album, can go into the studio and erm, in between we can somehow look for new talents and get to listen to and watch other artists. And erm… Yes, that’s why it also made sense to us, right?

Tom: Yes.

Voice-over: The new „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“ season starts in January. [It’s] the tenth one. Today Bill and Tom are sitting in the judging panel. During the first season they were still sitting in front of the TV.

Bill: After all we also still hadn’t been standing on a stage professionally 10 years ago. Well, of course we had already been making music but we still weren’t… somehow still hadn’t had our breakthrough being a small band but had rather been around school band-wise. And that’s when one followed it. I think especially the first season was of course surrounding by a huge hype. I think there’s no-one who didn’t hear about it and also in the years that followed all the artists that had come from it were extremely successful.

Voice-over: Like those two: Sarah Engels and Pietro Lombardi. Second and first [winner] of the 2011 season. Today the two of them came by to take a closer look at the new judging panel.

Pietro: I can still remember when I was standing before the judging panel, ey, it was just… I was so nervous. I had so much adrenalin in me and… Of course it’s the best feeling when you get three Yeses then.

Voice.over: One doesn’t know yet whether Pietro would manage the same again this year because Bill and Tom intend to set their own bars.

Tom: Well, at the end of the day we’re looking for everything that Bill hasn’t got. And what I have got.

Bill: Yes.
Actually we know that it’ll also be fun.

Tom: I mainly hope that there’ll also be female talents for once because after all there is… First of all there just isn’t enough of… In general there are just too few female artists in Germany, I think. And furthermore, I think there has never really been, erm, a female winner, has there?

*twins looking at people behind camera*

Twins: Once.

Tom: So…

Bill: Yes, well, I’d also be happy about female artists. Well, Tom and I, we’ll be mainly looking, erm… at…

Tom: … at the women.
Bill: … at the women, yes.

Voice-over: It’s the first DSDS judging panel that is all male but maybe there really will be a female winner once again next year if all of the guys take a little care of the girls.

Translation by


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