The 8th anniversary of Durch den Monsun (on August 15th) is about to come up!
Of course we want to celebrate it again like we did in the past years with a hashtag.
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- along="" br="" hotel="" okio="" with="">There are some tiny rules you have to follow in order to help us to make this hashtag become a worldwide trending topic!
Rule 1: If your account is protected/private Twitter WON'T count your hashtag tweet. If you wanna be a part of it make it public for the day.
Rule 2:
Do NOT tweet the hashtag like this
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
Do NOT tweet the hashtag like this:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
And also NOT like that:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Rule 3: Follow rule 2 otherwise the hashtag will be marked as SPAM and will be blocked.
We're looking forward to this day and hope many of you will join us! MAKE SOME NOISE!
Le 8ème anniversaire de Durch Den Monsun ( le 15 Aout) est entrain d'arriver!
Bien sur nous voulons le célébrer encore comme les années précédentes avec le hashtag.
-> 8yearsdurchdenmonsun <- avec="" br="" hotel="" okio="">Il y a cependant des petites règles afin de nous aider à en faire un TT mondial!
Règles 1: si ton comptes est en privé, le hashtag ne serait pas pris en compte et ne pourrais PAS nous aider à le mettre en TT. Rends le public pour une journée!
Règle 2:
Ne tweet pas les hastags comme ça à la chaîne:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
Et ne tweet pas non plus ainsi:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
Et pas comme ça non plus:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Règle 3: suit la règle 2 sinon ton hashtag serait bloqué et ne comptera pas parmi les TT car il ne sera pas pris en compte!
On a hâte de faire ça en espérant que vous allez tous nous joindre! MAKE SOME NOISE!
L'ottavo anniversario di Durch den Monsun ( il 15 Agosto) è alle porte!
Vogliamo celebrarlo ancora come tutti gli anni passati con un hashtag!
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" con="" hotel="" insieme="" okio="">
Ci sono delle piccole regole che dovrete rispettare per far si che questo hashtag diventi un trending topic mondiale!
Numero 1: Se il vostro account è privato, twitter non vi conterà l'ashtag, dovrete quindi metterlo pubblico almeno per un giorno!
Numero 2 :
Non dovrete twittare l'ashtag in questo modo:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
Nemmeno in questo modo:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
Ma soprattutto non in questo modo:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Numero 3: Per favore, seguite alla lettera il numero due, o twitter vi conterà l'hashtag come SPAM e sarebbe di conseguenza BLOCCATO!
Non vediamo l'ora che arrivi questo giorno e vi invitiamo tutte a partecipare. MAKE SOME NOISE!
¡El octavo aniversario de Durch den Monsun (el 15 de agosto) está a punto de llegar!
Por supuesto, queremos celebrarlo una vez más como hicimos en años anteriores con un hashtag.
-> # 8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" con="" hotel="" junto="" okio="">
Hay que seguir algunas pequeñas reglas para conseguir que este hashtag se convierta en Trending Topic en todo el mundo!
Regla 1: Si vuestra cuenta de Twitter está protegida o es privada no contará vuestro tweet con el hashtag. Si quereis formar parte ponerla pública durante ese día.
Regla 2:
No escribais el hashtag de esta manera:
"# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
No escribais el hashtag de esta manera:
"# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
Y tampoco así:
"# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78 /♥/ "
Regla 3: Seguid la regla 2 o de lo contrario el hashtag será marcado como SPAM y será bloqueado.
¡Estamos deseando que llegue este día y esperamos que muchos de vosotros os unáis a nosotros! MAKE SOME NOISE!
Восьмая годовщина Durch Den Monsoon (15-го августа) уже на подходе!
И мы, как и в прошлые годы, хотим отметить это с хештегом
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" hotel="" okio="">
Есть несколько правил, которых стоит придерживаться, чтобы помочь нам вывести этот хештег в мирвые тренды!
Правило №1: Если ваш аккаунт закрыт(твиты не доступны не подписанным на вас пользователям), то Твиттер НЕ будет засчитывать ваши хештеги.
Если хотите принять участие,то откройте ваш аккаунт на один день.
Правило №2:
НЕЛЬЗЯ твитить так:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
НЕЛЬЗЯ твитить так:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
И вот так тоже нельзя:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Правило №3: Если вы не будете следовать второму правилу,то хештег будет помечен как спам и заблокирован.
Мы с нетерпением ждем этого дня и надеемся,что многие из вас к нам присоединятся! MAKE SOME NOISE!
O oitavo aniversário de Durch den Monsun (dia 15 de Agosto) está a chegar! E nós queremos celebrar a data mais uma vez, como temos feito nos anos anteriores, com uma hashtag to Twitter.
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" com="" hotel="" juntamente="" okio="">
Para conseguirmos fazer desta hashtag uma worldwide trend, precisamos da colaboração de todas as fans! Há apenas algumas regras simples a seguir:
1) se a tua conta for privada ou protegida, o Twitter NÃO irá contar a tua hashtag. se quiseres participar deste evento, por favor torna a tua conta pública apenas por este dia
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
3) por favor, segue a regra nº 2, caso contrário a hashtag será considerada SPAM e bloqueada
Estamos todas ansiosas por este dia e esperamos que todas vocês se possam juntar a nós! MAKE SOME NOISE!
Translations by: SirKaulitz, ClariBoss, Wisdom_Aurum, Julianna_Lily & Lucy(error483)->->->->->->
The 8th anniversary of Durch den Monsun (on August 15th) is about to come up!
Of course we want to celebrate it again like we did in the past years with a hashtag.
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- along="" br="" hotel="" okio="" with="">There are some tiny rules you have to follow in order to help us to make this hashtag become a worldwide trending topic!
Rule 1: If your account is protected/private Twitter WON'T count your hashtag tweet. If you wanna be a part of it make it public for the day.
Rule 2:
Do NOT tweet the hashtag like this
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
Do NOT tweet the hashtag like this:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
And also NOT like that:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Rule 3: Follow rule 2 otherwise the hashtag will be marked as SPAM and will be blocked.
We're looking forward to this day and hope many of you will join us! MAKE SOME NOISE!
Le 8ème anniversaire de Durch Den Monsun ( le 15 Aout) est entrain d'arriver!
Bien sur nous voulons le célébrer encore comme les années précédentes avec le hashtag.
-> 8yearsdurchdenmonsun <- avec="" br="" hotel="" okio="">Il y a cependant des petites règles afin de nous aider à en faire un TT mondial!
Règles 1: si ton comptes est en privé, le hashtag ne serait pas pris en compte et ne pourrais PAS nous aider à le mettre en TT. Rends le public pour une journée!
Règle 2:
Ne tweet pas les hastags comme ça à la chaîne:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
Et ne tweet pas non plus ainsi:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
Et pas comme ça non plus:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Règle 3: suit la règle 2 sinon ton hashtag serait bloqué et ne comptera pas parmi les TT car il ne sera pas pris en compte!
On a hâte de faire ça en espérant que vous allez tous nous joindre! MAKE SOME NOISE!
L'ottavo anniversario di Durch den Monsun ( il 15 Agosto) è alle porte!
Vogliamo celebrarlo ancora come tutti gli anni passati con un hashtag!
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" con="" hotel="" insieme="" okio="">
Ci sono delle piccole regole che dovrete rispettare per far si che questo hashtag diventi un trending topic mondiale!
Numero 1: Se il vostro account è privato, twitter non vi conterà l'ashtag, dovrete quindi metterlo pubblico almeno per un giorno!
Numero 2 :
Non dovrete twittare l'ashtag in questo modo:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
Nemmeno in questo modo:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
Ma soprattutto non in questo modo:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Numero 3: Per favore, seguite alla lettera il numero due, o twitter vi conterà l'hashtag come SPAM e sarebbe di conseguenza BLOCCATO!
Non vediamo l'ora che arrivi questo giorno e vi invitiamo tutte a partecipare. MAKE SOME NOISE!
¡El octavo aniversario de Durch den Monsun (el 15 de agosto) está a punto de llegar!
Por supuesto, queremos celebrarlo una vez más como hicimos en años anteriores con un hashtag.
-> # 8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" con="" hotel="" junto="" okio="">
Hay que seguir algunas pequeñas reglas para conseguir que este hashtag se convierta en Trending Topic en todo el mundo!
Regla 1: Si vuestra cuenta de Twitter está protegida o es privada no contará vuestro tweet con el hashtag. Si quereis formar parte ponerla pública durante ese día.
Regla 2:
No escribais el hashtag de esta manera:
"# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
No escribais el hashtag de esta manera:
"# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
Y tampoco así:
"# 8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78 /♥/ "
Regla 3: Seguid la regla 2 o de lo contrario el hashtag será marcado como SPAM y será bloqueado.
¡Estamos deseando que llegue este día y esperamos que muchos de vosotros os unáis a nosotros! MAKE SOME NOISE!
Восьмая годовщина Durch Den Monsoon (15-го августа) уже на подходе!
И мы, как и в прошлые годы, хотим отметить это с хештегом
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" hotel="" okio="">
Есть несколько правил, которых стоит придерживаться, чтобы помочь нам вывести этот хештег в мирвые тренды!
Правило №1: Если ваш аккаунт закрыт(твиты не доступны не подписанным на вас пользователям), то Твиттер НЕ будет засчитывать ваши хештеги.
Если хотите принять участие,то откройте ваш аккаунт на один день.
Правило №2:
НЕЛЬЗЯ твитить так:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
НЕЛЬЗЯ твитить так:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
И вот так тоже нельзя:
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
Правило №3: Если вы не будете следовать второму правилу,то хештег будет помечен как спам и заблокирован.
Мы с нетерпением ждем этого дня и надеемся,что многие из вас к нам присоединятся! MAKE SOME NOISE!
O oitavo aniversário de Durch den Monsun (dia 15 de Agosto) está a chegar! E nós queremos celebrar a data mais uma vez, como temos feito nos anos anteriores, com uma hashtag to Twitter.
-> #8YearsDurchDenMonsun <- br="" com="" hotel="" juntamente="" okio="">
Para conseguirmos fazer desta hashtag uma worldwide trend, precisamos da colaboração de todas as fans! Há apenas algumas regras simples a seguir:
1) se a tua conta for privada ou protegida, o Twitter NÃO irá contar a tua hashtag. se quiseres participar deste evento, por favor torna a tua conta pública apenas por este dia
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun"
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78x" - "#8YearsDurchDenMonsun x79"
"#8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun #8YearsDurchDenMonsun#8YearsDurchDenMonsun 78/♥/:)"
3) por favor, segue a regra nº 2, caso contrário a hashtag será considerada SPAM e bloqueada
Estamos todas ansiosas por este dia e esperamos que todas vocês se possam juntar a nós! MAKE SOME NOISE!
Translations by: SirKaulitz, ClariBoss, Wisdom_Aurum, Julianna_Lily & Lucy(error483)->->->->->->

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